Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mount Si

So I can't call myself a true Seattlite until I've done a trip to Mt. Si--perhaps the most popular hike in Pugetropolis. So with the sunny weather this weekend, Sarah and I decided to make the hike. We were far from alone, but it was a nice hike none-the-less. Eight miles round trip and 3100 ft in elevation gain, it's a good get back into shape for summer kind of hike. We passed on reaching the true summit on top of the haystack. The lingering snow had made the rock slippery and it isn't a place you'd want to misstep on. However, we were intrigued by the couple and their dog who made the climb. All in all a great day.

The view to the east

The shoot we climbed up

The final haystack

Sarah near the summit

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